Monday 16 January 2012

Thor Tralier.

The Hero – a character on a quest
-Thor is the hero in the film. You can tell because of its the frist shot of a person that you can clearly see.

The Villain – opposes the hero or blocks them in their quest
-Scary guy with a horrible fasntion sense 01:29 whose shooting evil magic just after a line telling him what is plan is. and huge masvie robot guy that burns the town. and evil guy with a gold suit. 01:54. because he's got an angry face. and large fish jumping out of the stone starting to eat people. 02:05

The Donor – provides an object with important properties
-The man with the weird gold crown at 01:20 who then gives thor the hammer

The Dispatcher – sends the hero on the quest
-The man with the weird gold crown at 01:20 who then tell thor weird important languge.

The False Hero – disrupts the hero’s quest
-The Same person who give him the hammer and same person whos shooting magic death power.

The Helper – assists the hero
-Nataite portman is probably the Helper because she's the famale that follows him the most though out the tralier and also the only female who has a clear shot of her face

The Princess – acts as the reward for the hero
-Nataite portman is probably the princess because she's the famale that follows him the most though out the tralier and also the only female who has a clear shot of her face.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Escape From City 17 - Part One

Welcome to Film Studies Gcse Homework 1